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JaeDoit's New Music Video, "Lately," Is One To Put On Repeat

Posted by: Aye G

Jae Doit has been continuously making hit after hit. This time, he waits to release one of his tracks in combination with the visuals. Jae Doit claims he's on his grind lately, and this music video proves his word more than anything! Jae had his close homie Iaonthebeat produce this track, while Aye G from AMG engineered, mixed & mastered the production. Jae Doit, Jay Omar, and Aye G got together at AMG Studios to shoot some of the memorizing scenes from the video. Jae posts up in a mansion to let his fans know that he's ballin', while kickin' back with the homies at the pool scene living life lavishly. The songs mostly memorable for its melodic and catchy backgrounds in the chorus, as well as the overall message. Jae has been grindin' and nobody can stop that, see for yourself in this music video directed by Jay Omar above.

See what the Sneak Peak looks looked like on his Instagram below:

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