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Exclusively Dropping It After His Performance, Andre Jays "Chapters" Is Finally Here

Posted by: Aye G

Andre Jay releases his second album following his first tape with AMG Studios, called "Intro." However, this second album brings a lot more diversity, thought, and realness to the table. A few of the favorites off the album include "Want It All," "Imagine," and "Memory." Within these tracks, he expands his genre by utilizing his Hispanic roots and implementing a bilingual chorus. Andre dedicates a track to his mother, titled "Memory," thanking his mother for all the sacrifices she's made for Andre and that he will always remember his mother as a woman of pride and hard work and can instill those qualities in himself. In addition to Andre bringing his real life occurrences into his tracks, he also gives an insight to his alternative side, his "Conscience." Watch the video below to see a different side of Andre:

Taking a step out of his brain, Andre and his close friend Dris, take you on a journey with their recent collab "Explore." You can listen to the project as a whole by clicking the Spotify link within his Instagram below:

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